Projection du dernier documentaire de Iara Lee suivie
d’une rencontre avec la réalisatrice et présence de la camerawoman Sabah Haider.
Présentation de Cultures of Resistance
[ENG] Over a year later, with thousands dead and counting,
the ongoing conflict in Syria has become a microcosm for the complicated
politics of the region, and an unsavory reflection of the world at large.
Against the backdrop of the Arab Spring, NATO’s toppling of Moammar Qaddafi in
Libya, and the complicated politics of the region, this film seeks to explore the
Syrian conflict through the humanity of the civilians who have been killed,
abused, and displaced to the squalor of refugee camps. In all such conflicts,
large and small, it is civilians—women and children, families and whole
communities—who suffer at the leisure of those in power. While focusing on the
plight of those caught in the crossfire of the hegemons, we seek to unravel the
conflict by exploring the motivations of its actors—the Ba’athist regime of
Bashar al-Assad, the Free Syrian Army and other geopolitical players like the
United States, Israel, Russia, China, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, the Gulf
countries... When elephants go to war, it is the grass that suffers. This is a
film about the elephants, but made for the grasses.
[FR] Plus d’un an
après avoir éclaté, avec ses milliers de morts et la liste qui continue de
s’allonger, le conflit civil se poursuit en Syrie, microcosme de la situation
politique embrouillée de la région et reflet peu engageant du monde dans son
ensemble. Ce film cherche à explorer le conflit syrien en examinant la
condition humaine des populations civiles qui se font tuer, maltraiter, et se
retrouvent chassées et confrontées à la misère des camps de réfugiés avec, en
toile de fond, le Printemps arabe, le renversement par l’OTAN de Mouammar
Kadhafi en Lybie et une situation régionale confuse. Dans tout conflit de ce
genre, petit et grand, ce sont les civils qui souffrent – femmes et enfants,
familles et communautés entières se retrouvent soumis à l’arbitraire de ceux
qui accaparent le pouvoir. Tout en nous concentrant sur le sort de ceux qui
sont pris sous les feux croisés des tout-puissants, nous tentons de démêler les
raisons du conflit en explorant les motivations de ses acteurs – le régime
baasiste de Bachar al-Assad, l’Armée syrienne libre, et les divers acteurs du
jeu géopolitique, Etats-Unis, Israël, Russie, Chine, Iran, Liban, Turquie, pays
du Golfe… Quand les éléphants vont en guerre, c'est l'herbe qui souffre. Il
s’agit d’un film sur les éléphants, mais destiné aux herbes.
Iara Lee, a Brazilian of Korean descent, is an activist, filmmaker, and
founder of CULTURES OF RESISTANCE NETWORK, an organization that promotes global
solidarity and supports peace with justice projects. Iara is currently working
on a variety of initiatives that brings together artists and changemakers from
around the world. At the center of these initiatives is a feature-length documentary
film entitled CULTURES OF RESISTANCE, which explores how creative action
contributes to conflict prevention and resolution.
As an activist, Iara has collaborated with numerous grassroots efforts,
including the International Campaign to Ban Cluster Munitions, the New York
Philharmonic’s groundbreaking 2008 music-for-diplomacy concert in North Korea
and creative resistance projects in Iran, Lebanon, Palestine. In May 2010, Iara
was a passenger on the MV Mavi Marmara, a passenger vessel in the Gaza Freedom
Flotilla which was attacked in international waters by the Israeli navy,
leading to the murder of nine humanitarian aid workers. Among the many people
who recorded the events on that ship, her crew was the only one to successfully
hide and retain most of the raid footage, which she later released to the world
after a screening at the UN. Iara is very dedicated to the support of Gazan
civilians who have been victims of war crimes committed by the Israeli military
during “Operation Cast Lead” and who suffer from the Israeli government’s
ongoing acts of collective punishment.
At the onset of the Iraq war in 2003, Iara, eager to understand the
conflict better, decided to travel and live in the MENA region (Middle East
& North Africa). While residing in Lebanon in 2006, Iara experienced
firsthand the 34-day Israeli bombardment of that country. Since then, moved by
that experience, she has dedicated herself to the pursuit of a just peace in
the region, and is an enthusiastic supporter of those initiatives which
strengthen adherence to international law in enforcing human rights. In 2008
Iara lived in Iran and supported a number of cultural exchange projects between
that country and the West with the goal of promoting arts & culture for
global solidarity.
From 1984 to 1989 Iara was the producer of the Sao Paulo International Film
Festival. From 1989-2003 she was based in New York City, where she ran the
mixed-media company Caipirinha Productions to explore the synergy of different
art forms (such as film, music, architecture, and poetry). Under that banner,
Iara has directed short and feature-length documentaries including Synthetic
Pleasures, Modulations, Architettura, and Beneath the Borqa.
Iara is a member of the Council of Advisors of National Geographic Society
and The International Crisis Group (ICG), long time supporter of Greenpeace
International, as well as a trustee to the Pyongyang University of Science and
Technology (PUST), North Korea’s first and only university whose faculty is
composed of international professors.
Cultures of
Resistance (CoR) is the name of both a feature documentary and an
activist network. This website,, exists as an outreach
site through which people inspired by the film can find ways to get involved
around peace and global justice issues
"Worldwide, people
from all walks of life are finding creative ways to oppose war and promote
peace, justice, and sustainability. Culture—including film, music, and food—is
fertile terrain for this struggle. Education that nourishes a critical mind and
fortifies the soul is just as essential.”
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